In order to be happy, it is not just feeling good, it also makes us much healthier and more productive. It is one of those positive emotions which help us to build our potential to cope when things go wrong. Health experts have researched ‘blue zones’ all over the world and have come up with the two main factors that increase our longevity – having a healthy lifestyle and being happy all the time. The key to happiness is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.
Happiness is uncomplicated, inexpensive and something all of us should have access to. It can uplift our life and make us feel much more useful to ourselves and our family and friends. But, happiness is not something readymade, it comes from ones own actions. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy. Even the little things in life contribute to our happiness, let us find out what they are and be happy:-
1. Being Happy = Physically more Active

Yes exercise can make you happier. A regular physical activity while undertaking daily duties helps to move out from the sedentary lifestyle. It has a great effect on our happiness that it is actually been proven to be a helpful strategy for overcoming stress and depression as our body releases hormones called endorphins that makes us feel happier. Whenever I feel a little low, just exercising for 15-20 minutes makes me loads better, a small step towards being happy.
2. Social Groups
Yes, social interaction can always be a great source of happiness. We do feel happy when spending time with friends, family members, relatives or neighbours. Our close relationships and our friends influence our happiness. Feeling connected to social groups gives people a mood boost. Psychologists have found that the more the people feel connected to a group of people, the more happier they are with their lives. Also participating in any form of social interaction gives the feeling that you belong to the social group, and you are likely to be a happy soul.
Clients after Modifying their Lifestyles for their Overall Health and Fitness!
3. Meditate to stay Happy n Different from others

The best thing of meditation is that you come to know what you actually are and you become more and more YOU. I understand getting into the habit of meditation seems next to impossible, just have the willpower and begin for only 10 minutes, slow down, calm down, don’t worry, don’t hurry, trust the process. Meditation increases the levels of feel good hormones, endorphins and serotonin. You will overflow with happiness and joy, oodles of energy and aliveness.
4. Be Kind = Be Happy
Yes, being kind to others will make us much more happier. Giving to others makes us happy, even happier than spending on ourselves. It reminds me of a saying by Dalai Lama. ‘When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for. But, it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace’. Well, when we give something, as simple as a helping hand, we react in a very positive manner, just try it once. Always remember kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like. When we push kindness as a part of our daily routine, we continue to receive positive vibes and become more happier. It is very well said that kindness makes you happy and happiness makes you kind. So this year please treat yourself and others more kindly and be much more happier.
You must be feeling that being kind everyday is not possible for you, just try being kind randomly, you will feel a lot better, more happier and trust me you will get in the habit very soon that kindness will be a part of your personality.
5. Say ‘NO’ more often
Make 2018 the year you admit to yourself to be more happier. See, saying yes to about every request, just to make other people happy seems a nice way to make them feel good but, at the expense of our own happiness is worthless. Saying yes to every offer, even the ones you really don’t want to agree to, can have long term adverse effect on your well-being and happiness as you lose time to do the things you love. Saying ‘no’ will make you happier although it may sound aggressive or rude. The better way to say would be, ‘I’d like to help but I am really busy, thanks for asking’. Gradually as you learn how to say no effectively, you will find that people will ask you less and less, unless it is really important.
Learning to say no has been one of the best things I have done to myself, I feel more free, empowered and happier.
6. Getting enough Sleep

You know what, we, the humans are the only species on planet who deprive themselves of sleep! A tired out person is never a happy person. Everyone knows that there has been tons of research on the adequate amount of sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, the body releases stress hormones. Always remember, making huge amount of annual income has less of an effect on your daily happiness than getting one extra hour of sleep every night. I always feel much better and more happier when I get the right amount of sleep each night. And, actually wake up happy and refreshed the next morning with positive mind, positive vibes and have an awesome day.
7. Spending more Time Outdoors

Nature can always make you kinder, happier and more creative. Spending time outdoors is associated with lower blood pressure and low stress levels. Being outside lifts our mood and brings a huge smile on our face. Most of us will agree that the feeling of the breeze blowing across the skin, the lungs breathing in the fresh air and the sun shining on the face during chilly winters makes us more happier than spending time indoors and online. If there is anything that all of us surely want in our life, it is that continuous elusive feeling of happiness which we can easily achieve by spending time outdoors. Recent studies have found that walking just for 20-25 minutes in a city park boosted people’s mood as well as their memories and they were happier to a great extent. Even working out in nature gives us more health benefits than working out in gym.
Today let us be soooooo happy that when others look at you they become happy too. 🙂