Natural Sweetener Alternative to replace Sugar


Have you ever thought of using any natural sweetener alternative to replace sugar? Whenever we add sugar, it’s the refined sugar, which is zero in it’s nutritional content. Every second person is aware that excess of sugar is bad for us. All the sugar free substitutes available in market are artificial sweeteners. They do have their damaging side effects that cover headache, migraine, mood disorders, damage of liver and kidney functions. It’s just that because of the advertising hype, we find it really hard to know which sweeteners are a healthy option for us. And if we find a natural sweetener alternative to replace sugar, it’s just awesome!

Almost all of us want to follow a healthy lifestyle for the wellness of our body. Adding natural sweetener alternative in our food is a part of it. I do understand that the people with a sweet tooth can find it tough to quit refined sugar. Please give it a second thought, it’s certainly worth a try. We can’t control everything in our life but, we can definitely control what we put in our body. I have seen people choosing diet drinks as a healthy alternative but, they contain artificial sweeteners which are not much better. Thankfully there are natural sweetener alternative that are wonderful and ultimately healthy to replace refined sugar and artificial sweeteners for us.
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1. Raw Honey as a Natural Sweetener Alternative


This is nature’s best antibiotic and one of perfect natural sweetener alternative. Raw honey’s benefits are tremendous. But remember, the honey has to be raw and non-processed form. It is rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants. Apart from a natural healthy sweetener, it is an essential part of Indian home remedies. Especially for colds, cough or flu since ages and boosts immune system. But, if you are insulin sensitive or have diabetes, you need to use it carefully. I have been using raw honey for more than a year now. Apart from being used as a natural sweetener alternative, you may read more about it at Organic Garhwall Raw Honey Review

2. Dates

dates as healthy natural sweetener alternative

Whole dates are full of fibre and antioxidants. Rich in minerals like copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin K. All these properties make them an awesome healthy natural sweetener alternative. They form an awesome sweet alternative for toddlers. However it tastes slightly more sweeter than refined sugar. One may use them after making their paste. Soak the dates in water until soft and then ground, to make paste. Date sugar is also available. It is made from dry dates by grounding them into sugar like particles. However, date’s nutrient content decreases when date sugar is used.

3. Coconut Sugar as Natural Sweetener Alternative

Coconut-Sugar as healthy natural sweetener alternative

Also called coconut palm sugar. It contains minerals like calcium, iron, potassium and zinc along with some antioxidants. It’s glycaemic index(GI – a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar levels) is lower than that of sugar. Contains a fibre known as inulin which may help to slow glucose absorption thus offering a healthy natural sweetener alternative to those dealing with diabetes.

4. Stevia

Stevia is processed from the leaf of the stevia plant which is native to Central and South America. Nowadays it is growing in popularity across the world as a healthy natural sweetener alternative. It is considered about 200 times sweeter than sugar but, doesn’t raise blood sugar levels like sugar. Even the fresh leaves of the plant can be used on their own. Studies have shown that pure stevia extract have no effect on blood glucose levels and may even improve the body’s ability to metabolise glucose.

5. Yacon Syrup


It is an another natural sweetener alternative to replace sugar. Yacon syrup is made from the root of yacon plant. The plant grows natively in South America. It contains a good amount of fructooligosaccharides, which feed the good bacteria in the intestine.

So go ahead and let’s include these healthy natural sweetener alternative to replace sugar in our daily diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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