Monsoon Diet Guidelines | Rainy Season


The experience of monsoon showers after the fiery tropical heat is just amazing. The fresh, breezy mornings and earthy scent of the wetland is something that many of you relish.

I just love to reach out for that cup of garam chai and the platter of pakodas. A lot of childhood memories are associated with the monsoon season in India. Enjoying those rainy days and jumping in the puddles was so much fun. Even today, to feel the drops of rain is just awesome. In order to stay healthy in and out, eating according to the season and the regional belt is really important. Mother nature has given you all the niceness to keep yourselves fit and healthy. Today one can find almost all sorts of fruits and veggies in the city market. But, all that is available out there is not healthy for your health and wellness.
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With the heavy showers, there also comes the health issues. It becomes crucial to eat correctly during the monsoon because of the increase in the bacteria and viruses in the atmosphere around us. Check out the following guidelines on what you must be eating and avoiding through the monsoon season:-

Increase the Consumption of 2G’s

Nay, we are not talking about the cellular phone technology. The 2 G’s are the Ginger and Garlic. Now it is the time to give heed to what your grandma says. Do you remember each time either of you or any child of your family got a chest congestion cough, your grandma tied together freshly peeled pods of garlic to rest on the chest at night? And the following morning, the mucus had quietly made an exit.

Both, ginger and garlic are richly packed with antioxidants and enhance ones immunity. Non of the Indian food is prepared without adding them. Just increase their amount a little during the monsoon. And, try to always add crushed ginger and garlic pods instead of chopping them to get their maximum benefits. This will avert common cold and flu throughout the monsoon.

Always add ginger, tulsi leaves and a dash of cinnamon powder to your regular chai. This tea is the solitary drink that beats every other when it comes to the rainy season.

The anti-inflammatory properties of these 2 G’s will give you good nourishment during the monsoon. They will also assure that your metabolic rate doesn’t winds down during this season.


Creepers like bottle gourd (lauki), bitter gourd (karela), Indian squash (tinda), pumpkin (kaddu) must form a part of your diet in the monsoon. During rainy season, go off the green leafy veggies like spinach (palak), fenugreek (methi), lettuce, kale, broccoli, and rucola. I know all our lives we have been told about the significance of eating green leafy veggies. Anyhow, these are best avoided during rains. This is because, these greens are not freshly available. And, if you are still getting them it might be from the cold storage. Also these are highly susceptible to germs in the monsoon.

Fruits for Monsoon

Always consume fresh, seasonal and locally available fruits as a rule. You must eat plums (aloo bukhara) and jamun (Indian blackberry) during the monsoon. They help in boosting the immune system and secure the body from sickness like common cold and flu. Another fruits are pears, banana, litchi and peaches. However, if these are not locally available then no need to add them to your diet.



This golden yellow colour spice powder is natural antiseptic and will improve immunity. It can heal almost every infection of yours. I remember the words of grandma of drinking hot turmeric milk before going to bed. It is also a good idea to start your day with a glass of lukewarm water, turmeric powder and a crushed black peppercorn. The addition of black peppercorn activates the functioning of turmeric when it enters the body. The antioxidant curcumin present in turmeric is remarkable for its antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. As the body is not able to absorb curcumin, the piperine (antioxidant) in black pepper aids the absorption of curcumin.

Grains for Monsoon

ragi for monsoon

Ragi (commonly known as nachni in many parts of India) is the grain for the monsoon. It is also called the finger millet. And, India is it’s highest producer. You may consume it as bhakri (roti), daliya (porridge) or even a papad (poppadom). Ragi is really high in the dietary fibre and calcium content. You can even replace your calcium supplements with anything made out of nachni in your day-to-day meals. It has the potential to keep our bodies warm. Please say no to the multi-grain or the wheat flour for these 3-4 months.

Pulses for Monsoon

Monsoon is the ultimate season to eat pulses and legumes. Those suffering from hypothyroidism and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) should be eating pulses in the rainy season. Horse gram (kulthi dal) is the major pulse that must form a part of your diet. It is great for hair and skin too.

Have a Safe and Healthy Monsoon

You may read more on your health and wellness on And, if you are the one who keep on counting calories then please go through Do you really need to count-calories/

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